Example: simple

Main view (click to enlarge)

Network view (click to enlarge)


  inputs = {
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    nix-topology.url = "github:oddlama/nix-topology";
    nix-topology.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = {
      nixosConfigurations.host1 = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        modules = [
            networking.hostName = "host1";

            # Network interfaces from systemd are detected automatically:
            systemd.network.enable = true;
            systemd.network.networks.eth0 = {
              matchConfig.Name = "eth0";
              address = [""];

            # This node host's a vaultwarden instance, which nix-topology
            # will automatically pick up on
            services.vaultwarden = {
              enable = true;
              config = {
                rocketAddress = "";
                rocketPort = 8012;
                domain = "https://vault.example.com/";
                # ...

            # We can change our own node's topology settings from here:
            topology.self.interfaces.wg0 = {
              addresses = [""];
              network = "wg0"; # Use the network we define below
              type = "wireguard"; # changes the icon

            # You can add stuff to the global topology from a nixos configuration, too:
            topology = {
              # Let's say this node acts as a wireguard server, so it would make sense
              # that it defines the related network:
              networks.wg0 = {
                name = "Wireguard network wg0";
                cidrv4 = "";
      nixosConfigurations.host2 = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        modules = [
            {config, ...}: {
              networking.hostName = "host2";

              # This host has a wireless connection, as indicated by the wlp prefix
              systemd.network.enable = true;
              systemd.network.networks.wlp3s0 = {
                matchConfig.Name = "wlp3s0";
                address = [""];

              # We can change our own node's topology settings from here:
              topology.self = {
                name = "🥔  Potato host2";
                #         ^^-- utf8 small space, required to not collapse spaces
                hardware.info = "It's running on a potato, i swear";
                interfaces.wg0 = {
                  addresses = [""];
                  # Rendering virtual connections such as wireguard connections can sometimes
                  # clutter the view. So by hiding them we will only see the connections
                  # in the network centric view
                  renderer.hidePhysicalConnections = true;
                  type = "wireguard"; # changes the icon
                  # No need to add the network wg0 explicitly, it will automatically be propagated via the connection.
                  physicalConnections = [
                    (config.lib.topology.mkConnection "host1" "wg0")
    // flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: rec {
      pkgs = import nixpkgs {
        inherit system;
        overlays = [nix-topology.overlays.default];

      # This is the global topology module.
      topology = import nix-topology {
        inherit pkgs;
        modules = [
          ({config, ...}: let
            inherit (config.lib.topology) mkInternet mkRouter mkConnection;
          in {
            inherit (self) nixosConfigurations;

            # Add a node for the internet
            nodes.internet = mkInternet {
              connections = mkConnection "router" "wan1";

            # Add a router that we use to access the internet
            nodes.router = mkRouter "FritzBox" {
              info = "FRITZ!Box 7520";
              image = ./images/fritzbox.png;
              interfaceGroups = [
                ["eth1" "eth2" "eth3" "eth4" "wifi"]
              connections.eth1 = mkConnection "host1" "eth0";
              connections.wifi = mkConnection "host2" "wlp3s0";
              interfaces.eth1 = {
                addresses = [""];
                network = "home";

            networks.home = {
              name = "Home";
              cidrv4 = "";